Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tub Time Theology

When Julia started preschool in September it was with a heavy heart. We had loved her being cared for by my sister in law every day and starting school was just a scary prospect. What if the other kids were mean? What if SHE was mean? What if she felt abandoned, started a coup in her classroom and overthrew the preschool administration? My thoughts were admittedly running a bit wild! But we took the plunge and it has been an amazing experience both for her and us. We are lucky that my sister in law still keeps Julia in the afternoon but the mornings have expanded her in ways we could not dream. They have cooking class, dance, music, science and most importantly chapel. She has chapel 4 times a week and it has opened her eyes to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We have always been a religious family per se. We pray over meals, we celebrate Christmas and Easter and talk about more than just the man in the red suit and the bunny, but this new revelation of faith has been transformative for us as a family.

We get snippets of Julia's day over dinner or when she breaks into a rousing rendition of "The B-I-B-L-E, that's the book  for me..." in the car or while playing in the yard but usually we talk about God and Faith while she is in the bath. A kind of Tub Time Theology. We talk about whatever is on her mind but often the conversation comes around to Jesus, God, etc. She has so much insight into the stories that we read about in the Bible. When talking about the Resurrection Julia said, "Jesus went away and all of his friends and his mommy Mary were really sad and they cried a lot. But Jesus came back on Easter Day! He's not dead...he is alive!" It literally brought tears to my eyes to hear her talk with such excitement and hope about God and Jesus. It is beautiful to see the Holy Spirit working through her. Having Faith be a part of an ongoing conversation is so exciting and I'm looking forward to years of this conversation going on forever!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day!

Happy May Day!! As a kid I used to always love the first of May because to my it signalled the end of school and beginning of summer. Today is a perfect example of the start of summer, clear blue skies and warm sunny weather. The kind of day that makes you want to ditch your office and just be outside in the beauty of nature.

We are staying busy and had some family photos taken a few weeks ago at the beach. it was a fantastic idea that my sister in law had for my parents birthday as we have wanted professional pictures taken for ages and while Wes takes amazing photos, if he is taking the photo he is often not seen! These are two shots below and we absolutely love them! The photographer Courtney did a great job with getting amazing photos with 3 young children so she is a gem!

I love this photo of Julia! She just loves digging and sitting in the sand and I thought this dress looked very cute on her. It is moments like this when I realize how big she is getting.   
Wes and Julia getting ready to engage in a game of "chicken" with my brother and their youngest son. She is so happy up there with Daddy!